Pastor Louie Figueroa
Lead Pastor

Whether this is your first visit, or your nth time here, we have the same message to tell: by God’s grace, we labor to provide you a place where you and your family may constantly grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is nothing better for us than the chance to worship Jesus as a community. We recognize the importance of family, and we do our best to cater to every age group through our various ministries and programs.

Our Club DJ program (ages 3-12) and TrUE Discipleship Program (ages 13-15) aim to teach our kids the value of following Jesus and His commands. Our Youth (ages 12-18) and Young Adult (ages 19-29) Ministries give the opportunity for young people to grow together in God’s word and delve deeper in their faith. We also have Small Groups in several locations throughout Surrey. Small groups go beyond the Sunday Service and provide a way for members to interact with fellow believers, allowing them to share what God has been doing in their lives.

From our family to yours, we thank you for visiting our site. If you ever find yourself in Surrey, please know that there is a family here willing to welcome you with open arms!

At JRAM, the welcome never ends.

Pastor Louie Figueroa
Lead Pastor


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A new family awaits you!

We are the JRAM Surrey Family, and you are most welcome here. We are a community of imperfect people who are, moment-by-moment and grace upon grace, being transformed and conformed into the image of Christ.
We love people just as Christ loves us! “Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God’s love for us” (Romans 5:8, GWT). And we’d like to share this same amazing love with you!

Once upon a time, we also have searched for meaning in this world – and we have come up empty, until God let the light of His glory to pierce through our blindness, and we saw Him who first sought and saved (Luke 19:10) and loved us (1 John 4:19).

It is our prayer that as you browse through this site, may God grant you as well the grace to see the beauty of His saving grace and the sufficiency of His gracious love.

You have a home in us.

Pastor Merlyn Realina
Associate Pastor

Pastor Merlyn Realina
Associate Pastor
Pastor Joey Laxamana
Associate Pastor

Thank you for visiting us!

As a church, it’s important to us that we share God’s love and grace to all we meet. As you browse through our pages and discover what we are all about, I hope you’d find a loving family in us. You are always welcome here!
JRAM Surrey is a family that loves to worship and serve our Lord Jesus Christ together. We grow in our relationship with God and with one another by constantly fellowshipping and studying the Word as well as by praying together and sharing one another’s burdens.

For the past six years, we’ve realized that we may not have it all figured out, but with God’s guidance and grace, there’s nothing we cannot do for Him and His glory.

Join us on our journey as we continue to fulfill His Great Commission – that all the world may know Him and His saving love.

God bless you!

Pastor Joey Laxamana
Associate Pastor

Thank you for your visit!

Welcome from all of us at Church Management and Administration Team!

Church Secretary Millet Figueroa, Associate Pastor Merlyn Realina,
Lead Pastor Louie Figueroa, Associate Pastor Joey Laxamana, Treasurer Mon Doce

This team is dedicated to making sure all of the church operations are running harmoniously and efficiently in alignment with the leadership and guidance of God. Composed of our church secretary, our pastors, and our treasurer, their conscientious leadership spurs the church onto becoming a congregation that strives to love God and His people in everything.

Join Us!

Do you have some free time this week? Join us in any of our regular gatherings!
We love meeting and connecting with new people from all walks of life.










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