
If you knew you had one conversation left with the person you loved the most in this world, what would you say? In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, it was clear that the apostle wasn’t sure whether they would meet again. Knowing he didn’t have much time left, he gave Timothy an instructional encouragement to stand firm in the good fight of faith.

What is a Missionary?

Simply put, a missionary is someone who promotes their faith. Uniquely created as we are, our modes of promotion naturally differ from one another.


Missions can be thought of as bringing worship to places where it is absent. Our current freedom to worship in public was purchased by the blood of the martyrs who came before us. Paul counted this cost when he left his church on his three missionary journeys.


We are all part of the people at the ends of the Earth. Thank God for using others to evangelize and disciple us in order that we would come to a knowledge of the truth. Are we doing the same for others? Missions ministry is about fulfilling the Great Commission in evangelizing and discipling. Now, we can use social media to share what Jesus has done in our lives! What will your next FaceBook status be? Text or message an encouragement to someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile. You carry the greatest news ever! It is a message of hope; having been given life through JESUS. With enthusiasm, let’s spread the good news and make Him known at the ends of the earth!




If you knew you had one conversation left with the person you loved the most in this world, what would you say? In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, it was clear that the apostle wasn’t sure whether they would meet again. Knowing he didn’t have much time left, he gave Timothy an instructional encouragement to stand firm in the good fight of faith.

What is a Missionary?

What is a Missionary?

Simply put, a missionary is someone who promotes their faith. Uniquely created as we are, our modes of promotion naturally differ from one another.



Missions can be thought of as bringing worship to places where it is absent. Our current freedom to worship in public was purchased by the blood of the martyrs who came before us. Paul counted this cost when he left his church on his three missionary journeys.



Pray for mission organizations and different denominations to walk in holiness, to care for the poor, and love those in need


Pray that the global church would understand God's heart for the least and lost.


Pray against every stronghold that stands in the way of the Gospel being preached at the ends of the earth.


Pray that God would bring peace to missionaries who are in terrifying situations.


Pray for social media to be a platform in reaching,encouraging and leading people to the truth.


Pray for men of peace in closed-countries, Muslim communities, tribal peoples, and those who are on remote islands.


Pray for JRAM to be filled with willing, obedient, bold, and uncompromising worshippers who passionately love God and have a heart for the lost.


Pray for Spirit-led leaders to mobilize, evangelize and disciple.


Pray for contemporary strategies to win souls in every sphere of society.


Pray for missionaries to have the correct motives in their going.

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