Loving Your Enemies | Dr. Abigail Abada
Retaliation | Nathan Figueroa
Oaths | Jilannie Realina
Lust | Ptr. Aldrin Navo
Anger | Josiah Hipolito
The Beatitudes: Living For Today, Preparing For Eternity | Ptr. Aldrin Navo
Sermon On The Mount | Nathan Figueroa
The Story Of Zacchaeus | Ptr. Aldrin Navo
Rooted In Redemption | Nathan Figueroa
Peace That Makes No Sense | Ptr. Aldrin Navo
Rooted In Prayer | Ptr. Joel Flores
Fear | Ptr. Joel Flores
Healing | Ptr. Joel Flores
Dating | Ptr. Joel Flores
Singleness | Ptr. Joel Flores
Parable Of The Sower | Ptr. Joel Flores