January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022

“…the Lamb is the light thereof; in whose light they will see the face of God, and see God face to face; they will see Christ as he is, and behold his glory… and they will look into, and clearly discern all the mysteries and doctrines of grace, and all the various scenes of Providence, which will all be opened and laid before them.”– Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
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January 30, 2022

January 30, 2022

“To the glory of God the Father. —The acknowledgment of the glory of Christ is the acknowledgment of the glory of the Father, as the Source of Deity, manifested perfectly in Him.” – Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
#Jesus #RockOfAges #JesusRockofAges #JRAM #Unshakable #JesusUnshakable #UnshakableInJesus

January 29, 2022

January 29, 2022

“I will not any longer suffer that honour and worship which is peculiar to me to be given to idols, as it hath been, but I will by Christ and the gospel abolish idolatry in the world.” – Matthew Poole’s Commentary
#Jesus #RockOfAges #JesusRockofAges #JRAM #Unshakable #JesusUnshakable #UnshakableInJesus

January 28, 2022

January 28, 2022

“Then shall ye also appear with him in glory; and then shall these adopted children be brought into glory with him, out of whose hands none shall be able to pull them, but however the world look upon them as despicable, and sometimes they are so in their own eyes, wherein ofttimes there be tears, but then they shall see Christ face to face, all tears shall be wiped away from their eyes, and at the last day they shall shine as the sun in glory.” – Matthew Poole’s Commentary
#Jesus #RockOfAges #JesusRockofAges #JRAM #Unshakable #JesusUnshakable #UnshakableInJesus

January 27, 2022

January 27, 2022

“a more exceeding eternal weight of glory, as beyond comparison greater than all the dazzling glories of riches, fame, power, pleasure, or anything which can be possessed in the present life. …all hyperboles fall short of describing that weighty, eternal glory, so solid, so lasting, that you may pass from hyperbole to hyperbole, and yet when you have gained the last, you are infinitely below it.” – Benson Commentary
#Jesus #RockOfAges #JesusRockofAges #JRAM #Unshakable #JesusUnshakable #UnshakableInJesus

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